Thursday, November 2, 2017


Jim continued his stairwell work this morning - he got the fiberglass finished on the back side!

Then he installed the new door jamb - it looks fabulous!  And he used some of the 2" thick foam board to make a "door" to keep any cold air out of the apartment.

I picked up some longer screws yesterday at Lowe's that Jim needed to do the corner bead on the other side of the valley rafter.  The steel underneath is the thickest we have - some of these screws took constant driving force for almost 5 minutes! 

Back to our drywall tasks, Jim first cut the door area out from the inside piece.

Then he attached the small piece over the door...

We are going to use a barn door for the laundry room door, so Jim needs to finish the door frame with drywall instead.  Putting up the small pieces...

Cutting off corners where the Rotozip can't reach...

Jim showed me how his setting tool for the corner bead works to insure a sharp corner and to hold it in place while you attach it to the wall - very cool!

Then we did the little piece at the end of the wall...

The last piece has the dryer vent so Jim is cutting out the hole first...

Getting it all fit.  It was at this point that Jim realized that he had used 5/8" drywall on the other side - the piece he just made and fit was only 1/2"! 

Taking off the practice piece and starting over! 

However, because things usually aren't as simple as they should be, we only have a couple of sheets of 5/8" drywall left and they are 10' pieces.  Jim didn't want to cut into those so he decided to do it in two pieces from scraps we had.

Putting up the first piece...

Then the next...

The laundry room is basically all done!  One piece on the left is cut and ready to be attached - Jim wants to make sure all is well with the water valves on the other side once we turn on water.

High 60/Low 55

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