Friday, June 16, 2017


It was an on/off rainy day so Jim got to attend to inside work today.  As usual, he did lots of work in different areas - starting again with the plumbing manifold.  The new union came but Jim's still not convinced that it's not leaking.  He may redo it tomorrow - this has been so frustrating for him.  It's apparently the stainless steel parts that are causing the issues in sealing well so he may have to switch things up if it won't work.

He then moved on to a different kind of plumbing...working in the shower finalizing all the Pex fittings and blocking.


The back view - all crimped and ready for testing!

Then he next moved on to over 4 hours of steel work - doing the details to make the wall structure for the closet area that will go next to the shower.  He had to make a flat ceiling area so that he will be able to put up drywall.  But this required lots of blocking and angle pieces, in addition to working around all the steel that's already there.

He next made the knee wall that will enclose the plumbing stack and be the side wall for the closet area.  Again, blocking was in the way and made things very difficult.

In fact, this is a close up of the way Jim had to cut just one piece of steel to fit around blocking in order to be able to fasten it...

But since all that was finished, he was able to move on to roof insulation in this area!

At the end of the day, he switched to his mechanic hat and worked on the 4Runner - he got the bearing out so he'll see about order parts.  He thinks there's another bad bearing in the power steering assembly too.
High 64/Low 60 - rain around

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