Friday, April 14, 2017


Jim was back at work figuring out the plumbing stack - he took another trip to the plumbing supply company to pick up a few more things.  He now has a little plumbing store of his own to pick from!

He also worked on designing and building the brackets that he will use to support the pipes along the run.

Jim was able to figure out the offset for the stack up to the floor for the vent.  He then cut the hole out...

The view from the apartment - the stack ended up just where Jim had planned.

Jim had to get a reducer today so that he could use a smaller size pipe - this will go to the utility sink in the shop bathroom.

Jim figured out where he wanted the blocking for the banquette table and got it all fastened.

Later in the afternoon, we decided to do some yard work.  It's inevitable that when Jim plows the driveway when it's covered in 2' of snow that he will also scoop up some gravel.  So we spent some time raking and shoveling the gravel back onto the driveway where it belongs!

Doing some shoveling...

Snowball fight anyone?  Playing with the last remaining snow pile!

At the end of the day, Jim did a little more insulation work.  He got the last piece of insulation done on the bedroom wall.  Then he had to cut a piece of the thick ceiling batts lengthwise because the first space isn't a full width - not the easiest thing to do.  Plus, now Jim has to work off two ladders to try to get these into position.  We may have to set up scaffolding to make it easier.

High 60/Low 32

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