Saturday, April 1, 2017


April Fool's Day - I think the trick is how did it get to be April already?  Our Winter Storm Warning didn't really amount to much here - a couple inches of slushy ice/snow on the windshields and grass was about it.
Jim spent some time this morning at home working on fixing his printer.  He's getting ready to put it on Craigslist and wanted to get it cleaned up, which was no easy feat - it seemed to have colored laser dust everywhere!  But he got it cleaned up and ready to list.
Then Jim headed out to the property - unfortunately, he forgot his phone so no pictures today!  But he went back to work in the metal shop on the new wall.  He got the holes bored through the steel for the wires, put the grommets in and ran the wire.  He got the smoke detector all pigtailed out and the wires into the breaker box.
The next task seems insurmountable at the moment - running the wires for all the lights and receptacles in the metal shop.  All of the wire has to be in conduit but between the insulated concrete forms on the wall and the metal deck on the ceiling, Jim has to come up with a good working plan.  It's not being made easy with all of the things stored in the shop either - not a lot of room to work, set up ladders, figure things out.  But I know Jim will figure out a good plan - he always does!  I always remind Jim of the west wall - if he could figure that out, he'll figure this out!
At the end of the day, he went back up into the apartment and did some more insulation work.
High 40/Low 29

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