Sunday, March 5, 2017


It was a bitter cold morning with the actual temperatures below zero - so Jim stayed home until lunch and did work here so that everything would warm up a tad.

Even though it was a short day because of church in the evening too, Jim got lots done.  Even though he doesn't have grommets so that he can finish running wire, he got more holes drilled along the run so that he will be ready for that.

He also went through his boxes and boxes of plumbing supplies that he moved here from Ohio.  He got them sorted into different size PVC.  It's time to start thinking about all that so this gives him an idea of what he already has.

Then he did some eave baffle work....this is kind of a ultra-close up, but it shows how Jim finished the baffle.  These eave baffles have a tab that tucks down around the top of the wall.  If it was a wood frame structure, Jim could just staple them down.  Since it's not, Plan B.  He used our infamous Zip tape and taped it to the top of the wall.

Then he was able to cut pieces of the insulation, turned the faced side to the baffle, and tucked it all around the top of the wall.  That way there will be no voids when he puts the ceiling insulation next to it.

High 25/Low -3

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