Friday, November 13, 2015


Weather issues again took focus today.  We had rain overnight and some drizzles this morning, so Jim was afraid to see what the shops would look like.  While there was some water, it wasn't as bad as he anticipated.  He was able to get it pumped out and it didn't make too big of a mess in the bottom floor shop.

However, the strong winds were out in force today, making the cool temperatures feel even colder.  Add to that the fact that everything is wet and cold so before long your gloves and hands are wet and cold.  We had a few weird pop-up sprinkles during the day - sometimes when the sun was bright - but nothing that stopped us from working.

The winds even blew over Jim's really heavy-duty ladder!  This thing weighs a ton and never moves, so the winds were really strong.

In the morning, Jim was able to get more blocking made for the end rafters.

And was able to get some of them installed too.

After lunch, Jim was able to get back up on the roof to do some sheathing.  I was worried about him standing on the roof holding big pieces of sheathing in crazy winds, but he did everything carefully and had no issues.

Cutting the next piece.  Jim let me chalk and mark the screw positions on the ground so he didn't have to mess with it up on the roof - saved him a little time.

Dragging over the next piece...

And getting it into place...

This half piece is the first piece of the last course on this side!

Jim has to hoist himself up with all his gear on to get up on the roof.  This picture doesn't do it justice because he had the platform up higher. 

Another piece being put into place...

Time for more sheathing to be brought up!

Dragging up another piece...

Putting it into place...

Another piece on the top course...

Now Jim can use the ladder to get down from the roof!  Things are getting closed in so we'll have to change our way of getting the sheathing up too.

End of the day picture - even fighting weather issues, we're happy with the progress!

The back side is getting closed in!

High 49/Low 32

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