Monday, September 28, 2015

9.28.2015 - Auto Bay Sheathing Finished!

So, last night was the big Super Moon/Lunar Eclipse event.  Here in the North Country, we were lucky to have a beautiful night to watch it.  While it would have been even better at Angel, that would have required driving there late - staying home in our jammies and just walking outside at various points was a better idea.  These are obviously not great pics.

The Super Moon at about 9:00.

Just starting to see the eclipse...

This was actually the full eclipse and was quite red in appearance.  It was pretty amazing to watch.

It was back to work on sheathing today.  Jim got the rest of the screws put in the piece he put up at the end of the day yesterday and then got the next piece up into place.

Fastening down the sheathing...

Unfortunately, we had a brief period of light rain about this time.  It wasn't enough to make puddles inside, but it was enough to get things wet.  Working on the roof is tough enough but if it's wet - not good.  So we had to wait a little bit for things to dry out. 

Time for the next can see how steep the roof is by this picture. 

Putting up another toe board so he can fasten the next piece down.

Here it is - the very last piece! 

First, Jim had to put angle pieces on both sides of this triangle.

Setting the last piece into place!

Fastening it down...

Takes lots of effort to get these screws in - especially this high up!

Ta da!  All done!!!

It looks pretty amazing from down below...

We went up onto the deck to see what it looks like from up there - pretty crazy!  You can see how the land really drops off right at the edge of the scaffolding so it feels even higher.

Time to switch focus.  We want to make a trip down to the barn to pick up Jim's planer so that he can work on garage door frames.  So we emptied out some things out of the truck to make some room.  This is the first time for the Bobcat to bring in supplies on the new cement!

Moving the block into the shop for temporary storage...

...and back out the other garage door!

Then Jim loaded up the garage door pieces on the Bobcat...

...keeping things steady as we go down the hill.

Garage door pieces safely tucked inside until they can be put up!

Another milestone day! 

High 71/Low 60

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