Tuesday, November 25, 2014


While I was fighting the crowds doing some last-minute Thanksgiving shopping, Jim was very busy at the land.  After a couple tries, he was able to get the truck up the hill, thank goodness.  He had to do some repair work with the Bobcat to get some of the ruts out.

These are the infiltrators!  They look very cool and just snap together at the bottom of the trench.

This is the end cap on the first line of infiltrators.

Jim also got the second trench just about dug by the time I got there.  You can see how he piles up the dirt in between the trenches so that it will be easier to fill them in when the time comes.

Again, lots of measuring.  Every time he repositions the excavator, he gets down and takes measurements to make sure the depth and the slope are correct.

This is a good view of the layout.  The big hole in the front is for the tank, then the distribution box.  That box will have 3 pipes to feed the infiltrators.  So in this picture, two lines and two trenches are dug from the distribution box.

Completed second trench.  You can see that this trench is more narrow than the first.  The infiltrators that were first discussed were wider and would therefore require a wider trench.  Once he picked them up and clarified the order, he could make the trench more narrow - which certainly helps the digging process.

Once the trench was dug, it was time to play rock pick up with the Bobcat to clear the way for the final trench.

Here Jim's measuring and figuring out the location of the final trench as well as the trench for the pipe leading to it.

The daylight was fading but Jim wanted to see if he could get the trench dug for the pipe.  The first scoop of dirt...

...was of course another giant rock!

So let's try that again!

He was able to get the trench dug for the pipes and will be ready to work on the trench next.

Jim tried to see if he could get the stone delivery rescheduled for first thing tomorrow morning, but they were booked solid all day.  He's very disappointed because that causes everything to be pushed back - the stone is required before the tank can be set.  We are due for snow tomorrow so the freezing of the ground causes issues for the trenches too, as well as fear of them collapsing.  So, this is one of those times when you have to be resilient and just play it out and see what happens and what the weather will allow us to do.
High 49/Low 29 - Partly sunny and cooler

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