Tuesday, November 11, 2014


Today was a gorgeous day - unfortunately, the weather forecast in the next few days doesn't look as good, so we made good use of the sunshine and nicer temps while we had them!

Jim first worked on preparing a pad for the steel trusses.  He's going to build up from here, but getting the placement of the gravel to the right length and height was key.  He really wanted to use the compactor on the gravel, so he spent some time taking apart the compactor a bit further to allow him access to a part that he needs to replace.

After lunch, we went back to working on the corner, getting it filled up with dirt.  After Jim brought buckets of dirt back, we did quite a bit of hand shoveling.

But it's all done and we can now officially say there is dirt backfilled completely around the building!  No more open trenches in sight!

This whole back area used to be nothing but a giant dirt pile from when Jim dug the site for the building.  It's amazing to see how much dirt is gone - Jim did a little rough grading too so it really looks good.  Plus, he's now got access to all the rest of the piles for when we finish up the backfilling after the concrete deck is on next year.

Daylight goes away quickly now, so in the time we had left, Jim worked on making more dirt.  He wants to possibly put another foot most of the way around the building before winter.  These dirt piles in the front of the building are rapidly disappearing too. 

Again, as Jim brings scoops down from up above, I pick out all the big rocks.  Then when we were finished, he took two bucketsful of rocks down to our pile.
High 59/Low 45 - Sunny and beautiful!



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