Monday, November 18, 2013


Thankfully, we didn't get any of the severe weather that some parts of the country got yesterday and last night, but we did have some rain that woke me up in the middle of the night.  But all was well in the morning with temps expected to get into the mid 50s before crashing in the evening.

I read in the paper this morning that the village of Corinth was once again under a boil alert - this time for low chlorine levels due to the power outage on Saturday.  We never did hear what caused that and the boil alert has been in effect since Sunday but we were oblivious to that fact.

Jim had to go chat with the insurance guy again this morning - when he came home he said he saw an ominous sign in front of the apartment - a crew from the village was going around and putting these poles on the fire hydrants - so they know where they are in case they are buried in snow!  Never seen anything like that before!  So while you can see from this picture that there's no snow in sight, I'm sure it will be coming.  While I'm hoping for good weather for awhile longer so we can continue to work at the land, I have plenty of books to read when the snow sets in!

Jim wasn't sure what condition the driveway would be and how hard it might be to get up if it was all muddy, but he had some machine maintenance that he figured he could do no matter what.  So he headed up after lunch.  He called later and said everything was in good shape so I headed up to help with the plan for the day - chipping up some of the piles we've been accumulating by the tree cutting and forest cleaning.  Unfortunately, we couldn't find the other pair of ear protection so Jim did all the chipping and I went back to dragging branches out of the woods.  He got lots done before the sun started setting quickly and we stopped for the night.

The sun setting behind the clouds made for quite the pretty picture this evening!


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