Wednesday, November 13, 2013


Okay - a week has gone by and I haven't updated a thing on here!  I love that a couple people have actually written to make sure all was well - nice to know that someone is reading all my ramblings!

Jim continues to be very busy - here at home working on some work for the University of Akron and at the land.  The weather has turned colder - although we haven't gotten any of the snow that Ohio has seen!  Jim is busy tracking down all the parts for the well pump and planning out that job.  Obviously the pump has controls to operate it - since we don't have a structure for that yet, he's rigging up the back of the truck to do that job.  That's why he needed the generator to operate that as well as tools he needs to do that job as well as others. 

As far as the damaged generator, Jim contacted the company and they are sending him a new pull area that was damaged and took some money off the purchase price to compensate for the dent in the frame.  Jim was satisfied with that resolution.  He had to make some plugs and connections so that he could plug his tools on so he was doing that here in the living room and then taking them out. 

It's difficult losing all of his parts sources, so he's spent a lot of time tracking things down here and finding things online.  This giant spool of pump wire arrived by UPS yesterday - it's pretty heavy and the UPS man joked about having to drag it up our stairs! 
That's a lot of wire!

Jim is still spending lots of afternoons at the land working on cutting in the driveway.  It's really tough with just the Bobcat skid steer - you really need a bulldozer to do this kind of work.  He looked into getting a dozer blade for the Bobcat but they are pretty pricey.  He went and talked to the people at the Bobcat store here and they said he could rent one to see how it works out.  So there's some decision making in the works about that.  It looks really good though and he's making lots of progress.

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