Thursday, August 1, 2013

Oh my gosh!!!!!!

I'm having trouble breathing writing this!  Today is it's been 2 days since the young couple came through that seemed so excited about the house.  Of course, those have been long 2 days.  As much as we tell ourselves to not let our minds wander ahead, you can't help it.  You think you'll get a call the next day with an offer - although we say with such a big decision we would certainly need time.  But then more time goes by and we start thinking...maybe it won't work for them or it's too expensive.

So today I went down and visited my mom.  I kept the phone next to me all day but it never rang.  Although I had told Jim that part of me hated to be there if we got an offer.  But no worries because the phone stayed quiet. Meanwhile, it was great to be able to spend a little time with my mom and we had a wonderful visit.  I had wanted to be home to make dinner so I got home a little after 7:30.

While dinner was in the oven Jim showed me all that he had been doing...and it was a ton!  He got the little door in the bathroom put on - it looks so good.  And he got the thumb pull in the linen closet door with a new latch at the top - very cool.  In his office, he has the thumb pulls in both of the doors and just needs another pair of hands to help hold one of them in place to be able to mark positions in the door frame.  Most importantly, he figured out the complex problem of venting the stove outside and got tons of work done to make that happen.  Amazing the amount of work he gets done in a day!  I'll attach pictures tomorrow when I'm thinking more clearly.

So we had just gotten done eating and my cellphone's the young couple's realtor! She apologized for it being late.  She said she had just left their house and they wrote up an offer!!!  She wanted to arrange a time to come present it to us tomorrow so she'll be here at 10:30.

We went crazy!  It's really hard to believe...this weekend will be 4 weeks since we put the sign out front.  So for this price range and doing it ourselves to have an offer in less than a month is really unbelievable!  All our nightly prayers to St Joseph for his help and intercession really helped. Plus I am so grateful that I was home when the call came so that Jim and I could be here together to get the news.  This is an adventure that we are undertaking together so it's only fitting.

We have no clue what the offer will be but it's an offer!  Plus then we will have to call the other guy's realtor who is supposed to bring his wife back this weekend and tell her that we've gotten an offer.  Crazy!

Jim texted Kyle right away - he called back and was screaming and just couldn't believe it.  But like Kyle had said before...after all the work, blood, away and tears, this is the paycheck. And validation of all the hard work.  It was so good for him to be able to share the happy news with Kyle.  And of course I had to call my mom and share with her.  She was so excited for us too.

Unfortunately, Jim had scheduled a salesman to come here tomorrow to talk to him about the product he wants to use for the forms for the basement of the carriage house.  So he's going to call and reschedule...our brains are going to be on overload tomorrow!
So fasten your seatbelts...the ride continues!  I don't think we'll get much sleep tonight!

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