Sunday, August 4, 2013

A red letter day!!'s hard to even catch my breath enough to write tonight but I'll try to capture some of the craziness of the last 24 hours or so.

So the last I wrote, we had gotten one offer and the Florida couple came through on Friday night.  We thought maybe we would hear something late Saturday night if they were going to make an offer.  Well, Saturday night came and went and nothing.  So Sunday morning we thought we would hear...and nothing.  So at this point we're thinking we will press on with the first bid and of course we were thrilled to have that.  But at the same time, after all the different occasions that we had them here, we had thought we'd hear something one way or another, especially because they knew we had another offer.

We finally decided that we would call their realtor just to get some feedback at about 11:00.  She said they were still out looking at houses!  She said she would get back to us soon.  So Jim and I were still going crazy with the stress.  Probably an hour later she calls and said that she can't find our disclosure paperwork on line and she usually includes that in the offer paperwork.  Then we figured that an offer was coming! I faxed the paperwork to her and then we waited yet again.

Meanwhile, the clock is ticking and we know we have to tell the other couple something.  So Jim finally emailed their realtor and explained that we had another offer and we were hoping to get an extension.  We then got a call from the FL couple's realtor saying she would like to come over and present the offer to us!  We were going crazy - beyond excited but still in that mode of not knowing what's coming or what's going to happen.

When the realtor came, the first thing she did was to give us a sealed letter that they had written to us..totally unbelievable and truly brought tears to our eyes.  This is such an abnormal have totally built this house ourselves and then to sell it - it feels like letting go of your baby!  So to hear that someone loved and appreciated it means the world to us.

A letter to treasure forever

The offer was wonderful it included none of the contingencies of the first offer.  The only big issue is the time factor...they want us to be out by the end of the month!  And that means having all the work that still needs to be done finished, packed up, and out of here.  So that's kind of crazy to even contemplate.  We have to respond to both offers by 5:00 tomorrow so tomorrow will be stressful too.

After she left and we screamed to each other for awhile, we called Kyle and my mom to share the good news.  They were both so happy for us.  

Then it was back to the reality of what has to be done.  My heart goes out toot Jim because all this work falls on his shoulders.  He spent the rest of the afternoon working on doors.

We did meet Mike and Ann for dinner to share our good news and have a celebration beer tonight, so that felt good to take a break.  Tomorrow I have to go back to work and Jim has to go to school...and then we have those calls to make and offers to clarify.

We're on our way forward with all our hopes and dreams!

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