Saturday, August 22, 2020


We had a very brief but heavy rain storm move through early this morning - Jim made a mad rush to put tarps down so that any rain falling from the roof wouldn't damage the new concrete.  The sun was out soon afterwards and no damage happened.

It was so nice to have Kyle home - even though it was short we definitely enjoyed our time together.  And we got lots of work done!  He left this morning after breakfast and headed back to the city.  (Along with a few boxes of cereal - once a mom, always a mom!)

Jim worked on fastening my new pantry cabinet to the wall this morning!

Putting on the doors...

Wow - it looks fabulous and I love it!  I spent lots of time this afternoon bringing things up from my storage cabinet in the wood shop and rearranging. 

Jim started removing forms - first the wood ones around the small pad...

Then working on taking the forms off the stairwell pad...

Removing the form...

Cleaning up the edges...

Looks so amazing! Jim is thrilled because using the vibrator on all the edges really worked well and there's no honeycomb look at all.

Removing the last stakes...

Breaking loose the form...

And taking off the last one...

Once everything was cleaned up, time to start the next task - cutting the concrete to hopefully prevent cracks.  First we measured and then chalked where Jim wanted the cuts...

Jim first scores the line, using a 2x4" as a reference.  I stand on one side of the board to hold it in place.

Next is the cutting, using water to keep the dust down.  This is completely backbreaking work - leaning over like this for such long periods with a very heavy saw.  

Jim remembered that he had a new blade and hoped that putting it on would make the cuts a bit easier...

Making the long cut with the new blade...

Almost done...

Done - standing tall finally and washing off the driveway...

Everything looks so good!

High 79/Low 58

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