Sunday, February 2, 2020


This is quite the day!  Of course, it's Groundhog Day which is near and dear to my heart, since my parents are from the Punxsutawney area and my dad was born on Groundhog Day!  But it's also the only palindrome day in this century -  And it's Super Bowl Sunday.  Whew...that's a lot of celebrations going on!

Punxsutawney Phil did not see his shadow, so that's a prediction of an early spring.  Although this sure has been a mild winter so no surprise there!  This chart shows that Phil is not always correct - but we're sticking to his prediction.

Jim was able to get the other side of the doors painted today...

Drying - can't wait until they are up in my kitchen!  Jim had to spend another 45 minutes or so cleaning out the gun after spraying.

Next, he headed down into the metal shop to work on the snowblower.  He wire brushed the fan housing and then hand painted a coat of Rustoleum on that area for protection.

He had put one coat on the side of the fan that sees the most wear - today he painted the rest of it.

Jim brought the cabinet-grade plywood up into the shop today and got it put away and ready for the next kitchen cabinet job!

We wanted Kyle to get started on his trip back to NYC yesterday so we are heading into church now.

High 33/Low 26

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