Wednesday, October 23, 2019


Jim got final measurements for the remaining windows in the house that need blinds - the 3 in the wood shop and the dormer window.  There was a good sale on them so I went ahead and ordered cellular shades for them.  That may not be the best choice for the wood shop but Jim can use the air compressor to blow off the dust - we are mostly wanting them for their wonderful insulation properties.  They should be here before Thanksgiving so that's exciting.

Jim did more work on the relief cuts on the back of the pieces for the door frame moldings...these pieces are all done now.

A close up of the cut - this requires two passes through the molder.

All that woodworking creates a lot of man glitter so it was time to empty the vacuum bag.  It's so nice that Jim has someone who will come and pick this up too.

This afternoon, Jim worked on the gas connection for the generator.  He first connected the black pipe to the inside of the generator...

Then put the flexible hose on...

Next, he had to figure out where he needed the gas line cut to make the connection.  He allowed extra when made the first cut - it would be a huge issue if it was too short!

Carefully stripping the outside insulation off...

Then he figured out exactly where he needed to make the final cut...

Using a tool to clean off any burrs...

 Then he put the fitting on...

And used his flaring tool to make the compression fitting...

All done...

A close up of how the flared pipe fits inside the connection...

 Then it was time to connect everything together...

More connections to make...

I told Jim he gets an A+ for pretty connections; he said he'll only get an A if it doesn't leak!  Which is the next step - to call the gas company.

 But the generator is now all buttoned up for now...

Jim continued his before-winter checklist - he drained the outside hose reel and blew air through to get out any water before storing it away in the pole barn.

Jim called for another load of eco-rubble - it will be delivered tomorrow.  So he did a little Bobcat work in preparation...

High 56/Low 34

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