Sunday, March 17, 2019


Happy St. Patrick's Day!  We started our day with some green oatmeal pecan pancakes!  And as I write this, the corned beef and cabbage is cooking in the crockpot - we'll have that along with soda bread and pistachio cake to celebrate Green Day!  Hope everyone had a fun day!

Jim decided to leave the wood rack pieces sit for another day before starting to assemble anything just to make sure the paint is really dry.  He did test out one of his cross brace pieces on the post ties...

Since the old air compressor in the wood shop died, Jim was forced to accelerate getting the hose line from the new big compressor downstairs up into the shop.  He started out figuring how he wanted to take the line - it has to go up the wall in the auto bay and out the wall in the wood shop.  He started by using a 1' long drill bit to drill a hole to make sure he was happy with placement.  He had to be careful not to disrupt any of the insulation inside of the wall though - so he drilled through the drywall and then worked the drill bit through the insulation by hand until he got to the other side.

This is the view from the auto bay.  Once he had the pilot hole drilled, he used a bigger drill bit to open up the hole.  He's going to put conduit through the wall and run the hose line through that.

The next phase was figuring out how the wanted to run the hose line into the shop.  Once he decided, he drilled through the ceiling and attached the manifold.  Then he started running the hose line, using the same clamp devices to attach the line to the ceiling that he did with the Pex.

The hose line is run and attached across the ceiling over to the wall.  There are two manifolds in the ceiling - each of these will eventually have a coiled hose line attached, so that Jim can just reach up and grab a line to use, then it will coil back up when not in use!

Getting all this worked out was key.  Now Jim has to figure out what parts and pieces he has and what else he needs to make all this happen and get things ordered.
High 33/Low 17

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