Tuesday, March 12, 2019


Jim continued working on the post/beam assemblies for the wood rack.  Here he's actually sitting on his metal bandsaw doing some careful cutting of the last stiffening rib.

A close-up view...

Third one is all done!

At this point, Jim stopped and did some plumbing connection work on the air compressor.  He wanted to use it for his die grinder so that he could smooth out all the rough edges on these pieces.

He got 2 of them all finished and we carried them up to the wood shop to get ready for painting soon!

Jim was just getting back to work when there was a knock on the man door - it was the UPS man.  He had tried to come up the driveway and got stuck.  This was obviously not our regular driver - he knows to put packages in our drop box.  So Jim got the Bobcat out and took his tow rope down.

I wish I would have gotten a picture of the rescue - Jim doesn't like he walking down the driveway when it's icy.  But this is the aftermath - once the snow is off, it's extremely slippery.  Jim was sliding all over in the Bobcat - he had to get one track totally in the snow before he could get enough traction - but he did it - he rescued the big UPS truck!  The driver had tried to make it up and couldn't so was backing down - on the right hand side of this picture you can see how stuck he was!  He was going to call for a rescue - but Jim was there!

High 37/Low 13

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