Friday, March 15, 2019


Jim and I enjoyed going down to Saratoga last night for a bite to eat at a fun corner pub and then across the street to Ben & Jerry's - a great way to celebrate an early anniversary!

Today was back to work.  Jim spent some time in the morning making new pieces for the wood rack. They included more square washers for attaching the pieces together to keep everything strong...

Then he made the threaded studs that attach the feet to the bottom of the base.  Fun fact - Jim saved these pieces from the anchor bolts we used when working on the stairwell foundation!  They're stainless steel, which is nice, but nice to be able to use scraps.

Jim put the feet on these base pieces...

Since they are all painted, time to move them out of the way and close to where the rack will be assembled.

That opened up floor space in the painting area so Jim and I brought up the last post/base assembly and he got three sides painted.

However, he ran into issues - he noticed that the pressure dropped while he was painting.  The motor wasn't running so he pressed the reset button and it arced and sparked.  It's been on its last legs so it's officially dead now.  What timing that Jim got his big one going just a few days ago!  He hasn't gotten all the plumbing up into the wood shop yet but he had a long enough hose to bring it upstairs.  His old regulator isn't working so he's got to get a new one of those.

Jim decided to experiment and paint the cross braces a burnt orange color (this was old spray paint from his dad so that makes it cool too).

First side of the square washers painted...

I had to go into Staples to pick up some printing and I stopped and picked up some bolts and washers for Jim at TSC for putting the rack together - it's getting close!
High 62/Low 32 - nice!

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