Tuesday, November 6, 2018


Sigh...another rainy day.  Maybe we should have built an ark!  So Jim continued to do inside work - again helping me with not only my computer but the new fire school website.  What would I do without him?

He went to the Drywall Center to get more insulation to do more insulating in the attic area - another project he wanted to complete before winter so it was a good time to do it.  Well, if there could ever be a good time for insulation!  Mask on and bringing up the first batts.

This is the before picture in the bedroom.  Although there's already good insulation here, you can see that there are some spaces in the batts between the joists...

He unrolled the new batts and put them perpendicular to the joists to cover everything up and give a nice solid blanket of insulation.

Another view...

Then he worked over the living room area, blanketing it...

This picture also shows the end baffles - Jim still had two of those to attach with screws over the old access area.

Finally, he took the blown in insulation pieces that we had combed out and used them to fill in a couple places in the attic where boxes had prevented him from getting close enough before.

So this project is just about done - I need to comb out some more insulation for him.

But the other big news today was that the UPS man dropped off the new water softener power adaptor late in the afternoon.  Jim switched it out and..ta da...it works!  So that was the issue and the softener is regenerating as I type this!

So nice to get some of these things checked off Jim's to do list!

High 53/Low 46 - rainy

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