Saturday, November 24, 2018


Since it's a couple days after Thanksgiving, first a turkey story.  We see a lot of wild turkeys on the property - a grouping of 11 is somewhat typical.  We hadn't seen any in awhile until this morning there were 9 in the less snowy parts of the yard.  However, when Jim went out to warm up the 4Runner for church, he counted 24 (and he figured there were more) up on the hill!  That area is always covered with turkey tracks - now we know why.  It was definitely a turkey party on the hill!

While it was a bit warmer today, it was still around freezing which is, well, freezing to work in.  Jim did some inside work first.  He wanted to do a little work around the man door in the metal shop for insulation and ease of drywall installation later on.  He stuffed insulation next to the door frame and then used scrap lumber from the pole barn to make a frame around the door.

This side is all finished...

He also used scrap OSB to make some door spaces for the man door in the barn.

Then he brought the door over...

And put it in place...

Once he got a couple screws in to hold it, he made sure it was all level and plumb...

Sure makes the barn look more finished!

Jim had to figure out the best way to cut the siding, because there is a lot of cutting to come.  He was hoping to use his electric shears, which worked fine for the flat areas but not for the ribs.  He tried a few different methods - pneumatic nippers, hand shears - before falling back to the good old grinder.  Here he's cutting the angle for the top end piece.

The end piece is all attached!

High 36/Low 31 - winter weather advisory for freezing rain tonight

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