Monday, October 30, 2017


We are so grateful that we didn't have any damage from the storm that was supposed to hit us so hard.  We had steady rain all day yesterday but it was never hard and caused no issues.  Well...except for the wind that blew the top of this tree down.

That may not have looked so bad until you see how close it was to the carriage house (it's the one on the left with the nest).  These are American Beech trees and they are very brittle.  The tops of these trees have died and Jim is afraid they could fall on the house at some point, which is why he took down the ones at the back of the house and there will be more coming down.

Now that our security light is in place, Jim was able to finish off the insulation in this corner - which involved moving some heavy tools first.

Then he worked back up in the stairwell - the baffles are now finished!  So now it's just a matter of the fiberglass insulation - great progress!

Jim first worked on drywall in the master bedroom - finishing off the small areas around the attic access.

Last piece next to the door...

Then he went back to work in the living room, finishing off all the screws on the piece he started yesterday.  Then he cut out the window...

Finishing the small piece of drywall next to the big window...

Then the last piece on the outside wall...

Cutting out the window...

The back wall is done - and check out that view!

First wall piece in the living room...

Fastening it...

All done...

Jim then got the next piece up in place, boxes cut and fasteners started. 

High 50/Low 38 - windy!

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