Thursday, December 8, 2016


Jim headed out this morning to pick up his steel order.  While he was there, he ordered a few more pieces as well as a few bundles of the Rocksol insulation he wants to try.  Right now, he'll use them to stuff the ends of the rafters in the auto bay and stairwell to keep out cold air.

Jim was thankful that he worked on fixing the back window of the 4Runner last year - it allowed him to bring home these long pieces of steel (even though it made for a cold ride home!).  Then he had to unload all these pieces into the carriage house.

When we were at Lowe's last night, Jim picked up another connection for the ground wire as well as another grounding bar just to make things more neat in the breaker box (I would bet money that Jim has the neatest breaker boxes around - always has!).  So now it's officially done.

This afternoon, we braved the elements to try and finish the rest of the fascia and soffit on the auto bay.  The temperatures were in the 30s but there was a brisk wind so it felt like it was in the lower 20s with the wind chill. 

Putting up the last fascia board...

Caulking of course...

Fastening it all in place...the fascia is now officially done on the auto bay!

Which means it was soffit piece on the side fastened in place.

Then Jim had to cut some more soffit pieces...

Working along the back...

Putting up the last piece of soffit on the back...

Our inside is looking much darker now - just a little bit to go!

Putting up the very last piece of soffit on the auto bay...

All done!

We had to knock off a little early because we have church tonight but we are again thrilled with the progress.  Today was about as warm as the temperatures look in the upcoming forecast, so even though it was cold, we accomplished all our goals!
High 38/Low 23

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