Sunday, August 28, 2022


Jim did some shop work this morning but then in the afternoon we all headed outside to play in the dirt!  Jim had dug more dirt yesterday so he started by scooping up all the dirt first...

Then bringing it over to our increasing dirt pile, where I picked out the large rocks...

Jim was in the area where the original stone wall went through so there were lots of rocks - we picked up a bucketful before he got back to digging...

Check out the size of this rock - the excavator thumb pays for itself every time once of these huge rocks needs to be moved!

You can see that giant rock in the background of this picture as Jim is scooping up more dirt...

Our driveway area is taking shape!

A different view...

The last bucketful Jim brought over to the pole barn where he started filling in the area between the bottom of the structure and the ground...

Looking great - required a lot of hand work, especially to reach around the back...

Ready for some rocks!

We had a little time at the end of the day, so we decided to take the metal detector down to the end of the driveway.  We were told that there was once a shed-type structure down here.

We keeping hoping we'll find a coin!

But we found this metal pipe, a couple cans and nails...

This is old - but we aren't really sure what it is...

High 81/Low 55

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