Saturday, December 8, 2018


A very cold day - it was in the single digits when we got up.  Brr...

Jim was able to salvage enough of his siding cut-offs to get the rest of the pieces cut for the gable ends.  If the weather cooperates, he'll be able to finish the south gable end and hopefully the trim piece will come in soon so he can finish the north side.  Once the gable ends are enclosed - time to stuff the attic!

Jim tried his best to get the gable pieces cut out while still leaving enough metal to be the roof of our package box.  Here he's measuring to make sure...

Then a few modifications to the box...he laid it on its back and was able to drill a hole in the bottom runners....

We'll use some pieces of rebar to go through the hole into the ground, insuring that it won't tip over.

Instead of the handle he had, he decided to make a finger pull to open the door.  He drilled the hole and then used his hand router to smooth over all the edges.

He also folded back the edges of the runners so that no one will run into any sharp edges.

The siding for the roof is all cut....

All done!  We'll move it out tomorrow and get it all set up and ready for all those packages to come - ha!

Another shortened day - we're headed off to church again!
High 26/Low 16

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