Sunday, December 30, 2018


Jim spent most of his day in the metal shop today, continuing to work on the wiring.  He got the Romex run connecting the two receptacle boxes...

Using the conduit we picked up yesterday, Jim extended the matrix...

This was a complicated run - lots of bends to make the conduit work from the matrix down to the receptacle box.

The receptacle box is in place and fastened to the concrete.  Then Jim was able to complete the conduit run, eventually bringing power to this box.  The Romex comes out of the receptacle box using the little detour around the side, going behind the conduit.

This receptacle is all wired into the box, face plate is on and it's ready for power!

Jim was thrilled to have this run done - things are really coming to life in the metal shop!

He also had to spend a little time today getting a Craigslist sale item ready - someone is supposed to come tomorrow to look at our old small refrigerator.  It was stored in the back of the box truck so he had to use the two-wheeler and bring that up and get it ready.  You never know with Craigslist whether people will actually show up - our pallets are still down by the end of the road.
High 30/Low 23

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