Saturday, March 10, 2018


As normal, Jim started his day working in the control room.  However, today was not really about furnace plumbing.  Jim had some drywall work to finish up on the back wall.  He taped the pieces of drywall...

He needed to put corner bead on this corner area.  However, because the bottom of this wall is foam (our insulated concrete forms), he couldn't use the normal metal corner bead that he uses screws to fasten to the wall.  So he bought a relatively new product - it's metal corner bead with paper tape on the edges that you basically drywall in place.  So you can see in this picture that he has both sides of the corner all plastered up...

Then he put the corner bead into place!  Looks really good and worked perfectly for this application.

Since he was working plaster, this outside corner didn't have corner bead so Jim got that cut and then fastened down to the drywall.

The next project was to mount and start work on the control box for the system.  You can see that it has a display on the front cover to show which zones are operational.

Jim has worked awhile to decide the best place for the control box to make everything work well.  He decided to put it on the outside wall.  Then he brought electric wire to it from the electric box with more armor cable.

Then the thermostat wires from each zone have to be wired into the control box.  He will eventually need to run a data line from the control box to the furnace to "talk" to the furnace.  Amazing!

 Of course, the day wouldn't be complete without some sanding!  Jim got all of the hallway done now!  (I see lots of cleanup work in my future!)

High 36/Low 24

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