Tuesday, July 25, 2017


Jim started the morning at the DMV.  Yesterday, he removed the license plates from the older 4Runner, canceled the insurance on it, and restarted the insurance on the newer 4Runner.  Today, he drove my car and transferred the plates from one car to the other at the DMV - not much of a wait and an easy process thankfully.
However, that meant that he had to come and pick me up this afternoon and bring me to the property to get my car.  It was another cool day - perfect for insulation - so he just worked on those details all day.
He got 2 more cavities done in the wood shop - including one that had to be split again, as well as he now has to work on the ladder on top of the wood pile!  Not ideal.

 Now it's time to attend to all the details of the insulation.  He had started doing insulation in the second bedroom and he went back and fixed a couple places that he wasn't happy with the way they were glued.  Then he took apart one of the insulation batts and really filled the cavity for the fan, tucking insulation all in and around all the lights so that there are no voids.  This will just have to have some plastic on it and it will be done. 

He did the same thing in the master bedroom...

Also in the master bedroom, he used the R15 insulation and put batts on the room side of the attic space - that's considered an outside space for insulation. 

He also took more loose insulation and stuffed it in all the nooks and crannies around the closet and lower ceiling area in the master bedroom.

Then he started working on the area above the door in the master bedroom.  These rooms will be just about wrapped up except for some plastic - but at least that's not insulation!

Jim's new bandsaw blades finally came in - they are really meaty!  However, changing blades is not an easy task.  He spent about half an hour taking the original blade off, then another half hour putting one of the new ones on.  He still has to align everything which will take quite awhile too.

High 63/Low 52

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