Saturday, March 12, 2016


This is some of the grading work that Jim did at the end of the day yesterday.  The beginnings of the upper driveway were just rough cut last year so that we could use it - he wants to do a better grade now plus it will need extended back towards the eventual house.  Since he's scraping off top soil, he's putting it over what was the original old driveway cut in by the original owners.  We want to get some grass seed and put it down in the spring to keep the weeds at bay.  This will be a work in progress but Jim can work on it a little at a time.

I had a big mailing to work on this morning so when I went out at lunch, Jim had been doing some preliminary work for the outside double doors.  He had to cut a small piece of plywood to bring it out even with the sheathing - then he covered all of that with the flashing tape.  The sill is just laying there temporarily as a reminder for us to step over it and not tear the tape.

He also made this cool flashing - similar to the plastic ones we used when we installed the windows.  This will go at the bottom corners of the door.

A weld was broken on one of the mounting brackets when we opened the door boxes.  Jim got his 240 volt receptacle live and was able to plug in and use his welder to fix it!

Putting some more fasteners in the landing...

After lunch, we transitioned to working up in the apartment.  Jim set up the scaffolding again...

Then after all this time, we got to take down the remaining braces! 

This was the first shoring post that we put in the upstairs to hold the ridge beam. 

All down! 

There was one remaining brace on the back wall - time for it to go too!

We did some cleaning up - we had a few piles of sheathing cut-offs from when we did the roof, so we took most of those out except ones we may use for storage space flooring.  The apartment space looks so clean and open now! 

The first space we wanted to chalk out was the bathroom.  It's going to be the toughest fit so we wanted to see what it looked like.  We decided we'll extend the wall out by about a foot into the hallway.  It was good to see the shape of the room and be able to talk about where things will fit.

The next project was to get ready to put up the last ceiling joist.  It's a different fit than the others because it goes to where the ridge is on the front wall so there's not the normal connection area.

Jim made this bridge connection piece that he will use to attach the joist.

At the end of the day, Jim did some more grading before he came home.
High 58/Low 34


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