Monday, October 27, 2014

10.27.2014 - Decking is all up!

Jim did a lot of work today before he even started working...namely, he moved all of the extra steel decking out of the building and over to our staging area.  If you remember the steel saga, the final delivery of steel that we got wasn't quite what we started out with.  We ended up getting decking they had on site rather than waiting for the other supplier.  So the steelyard gave us some extras as well as the cutoffs from the pieces they had to cut for us - hopefully we can sell some of this at some point.  But it was a lot of work - Jim couldn't use the forks on the Bobcat to get them out of the building because the garage door openings wouldn't be wide enough.  So he had to move each one individually outside the building and put them onto the forks of the Bobcat before he could move them to their new home.

I had to go pick up more wire for the welder this morning and by the time I got to the site at lunch, Jim had also gotten 3 more pieces cut and was moving the 3rd up onto the deck.

The final piece had been damaged a bit - Jim had to do a lot of work to get it in good shape to be used.  First, he pounded the damage out with the rubber mallet.

Then he flipped it over and brought out the big tools!

That's one big wrench!  But he finally got it to the point where he was happy with it.

It was even difficult trying to lift these pieces up - the last bay is smaller and there wasn't much room to get the Bobcat in position and still have room to lift the deck up.  But he finally got it.

Then it was welding time and time to get the concrete drill out again.

Again, because Jim had to sort of make do with a couple of these pieces, he had to do some custom fitting on the last piece.  Unfortunately, since it was already up on the deck, that meant bringing up the saw and cutting up on the deck.

Then it was time....drumroll, please....for putting the final piece of decking in place!

It really looks incredible, both inside...

...and outside!

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