Thursday, June 6, 2013

Electric company and on his way home!

Quite the day for Jim today.  He had the meeting this morning with the electric company reps.  Jim said two people came and they were both helpful.  Although we can't go through the trees like we had originally hoped, they did say that they would give him 100' at no charge so that will help the total (giant) bill eventually be cheaper.  But Jim got lots of good info on what he now needs to do.  They discussed where the utility pole will be placed on the road and marked that.  They told Jim exactly what needs to be done at the pole, how the trench needs to be, what he has to do for the transformer, and for the temporary pole.  There is a lot of work and some requirements are more stringent than Ohio, but at least he knows what has to be done and can do it.  It will be a lot of work but what else is new?

He also stopped at the Time Warner office in Saratoga Springs.  That was more difficult.  Jim wanted to talk to someone about getting the cable put in the same trench as the electric so another trench doesn't have to be dug - that's what we did in Ohio.  But of course at the office, you are talking to a not-so-helpful customer service person who basically just takes people's payments.  She put an order in for a technician to call Jim so we'll have to wait and see how that goes.

The big down part of the day was that Jim took the 4Runner to be safety inspected.  Another new requirement from what we are used to.  After Jim filled out the paperwork at the DMV and got the license plate, he had 10 days to get the safety inspection.  It's pretty involved and you have to have it done every year.  He had to wait about an hour and then - it failed.  They said it has a gas leak - which we sort of knew about.  We had been able to smell gas at certain times.  It's not leaking in the lines so Jim is hoping it's a filter issue.  But of course that requires him working on it and then taking it back in to be re-inspected.  The guy said that the 10 day rule shouldn't be an issue because Jim has paperwork proving that he got it inspected within that 10 days.  So that will definitely have to be done on the next trip.  Isn't it always something?

But now Jim is on his way back, so that makes me happy.  He really did get a lot of the administrative headache jobs worked on while he was there, so it was definitely a successful trip.  He's anxious to get back here and get the house jobs done so we can get it on the market.

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