Saturday, June 22, 2013

A Trying Day

Well...we got into town late last night. It was too late to even grab the mattress off the truck so we just crashed on the sleeping bags.

The morning starts early here - by 5:00 the room is bright. There are only cheap plastic mini-blinds on the windows so we may need to do something about that. 

After breakfast, we started on our storage adventures. First, Jim had to meet Mike to get the keys to the barn where we are going to rent space. I stayed here and did a little cleaning. It's going to take a lot of work to make this home!  It will be good for us but when I was cleaning years of gunk from blinds in the bathroom, I sorely missed my nice clean home!  I also spent way too much time on the phone with Time Warner again.  A bill was waiting for us here and of course it was more than it was supposed to be.  After probably a half hour I was able to get them to reduce it a bit so I guess that's a victory. 

This is the view from the street in front of the apartment...check out that mountain!

After Jim got back, we first went and rented the storage unit in Corinth. It's a nice space...Browns colors!  We took a few things off the truck that will need to be moved to the barn. Then we came and unloaded some stuff into the apartment.

Then it was off to the barn. It's probably close to a half hour away in the truck. We had a little trouble getting in...Mike gave  Jim a janitor-like ring of keys and wasn't sure which one it was. Plus he said the locking mechanism on the overhead door didn't work well. He ended up having to go through a side door - again after trying scores of keys - and navigating in the pitch dark to get to the door and open it from inside.

A quick pb&j and then it was on to unpacking. I felt bad because a lot of this was heavy stuff and I couldn't be much help.  

Pictures of the first barn unloading trip!

Jim was getting a little frustrated because we spent a lot of time moving things again and again in the truck.  Then to make matters worse, he had put the big pattern cabinets in the truck first that are filled with hundreds of pounds of hardware.  He was going to make something to keep the drawers from opening while the truck was moving. Well, the truck got loaded without that happening. It didn't matter when the truck was full and everything was held in place. But once we got things emptied out, it became an issue. So he was trying ropes and boards which did an okay job but added to the stress.

Then it was back to Angel. A sorely needed reinforcement of why we are doing this.  Everything looked beautiful. Even though things had grown up since Jim had done some clearing, you could still see all he had gotten accomplished. 

And our well is gorgeous too!

Then it was back to unloading...Jim had brought some wood and steel that he's just keeping there so we got all that stacked up. But's moving things out of the way to get to other things over and over. And more stuff off so redoing the pattern drawer fix again. 

It was warm and we were pretty beat and debated about going to the Saratoga storage unit to load up some of that stuff.  We finally decided to press on.

As we were leaving, you could see the markings on the road from the utility company where the pole will go!  

Probably not the best decision to keep going. When we got to storage unit and opened the back of the truck, we saw we had failed to strap down Jim's tool it had fallen and spilled ratchets, sockets and misc all over. We got that cleaned up and then opened up the unit. It was a big overwhelming to see all the STUFF we have and that needs to be moved. Jim was frustrated because he is so uber-organized at home and knows where every tool and part is. We just stuff things in cabinets now and everything is spread out over 3 places.   So it's going to be hard. Plus it was just a look at the shear volume of all we gave - plus there's still tons at home. 

So in that frame of mind we started moving a few things into the truck to be moved into the Corinth unit but things weren't going well do we finally called it quits. 

We just came back to the apartment and then walked up to the store to get a couple things I needed. We ate our first meal together here and had our first enchilada night!

Whew...a busy day and we were beat.  At least we had the mattress so we didn't have to sleep on the floor - although it wouldn't have mattered at that point!

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