Tuesday, February 10, 2015


As Monday comes to an end, so does the snowstorm that enveloped the area.  It was a longer storm which started Saturday and is finally winding down, leaving us with at least 15" of new snow.
The heavy snow accumulated on the roof of the apartment has done a lot of damage - there are now huge leaks and broken ceiling tiles littering the lobby from the massive ice dams.  Jim has had to scrape and move the cars multiple times this weekend on the whim of the landlord so they can try to plow.  A roof crew is supposed to come tomorrow.  Jim is just happy that this isn't his roof issue to deal with!
Jim went to the property today to do some plowing of the driveway.  He had to trek up the hill in all those 15" since the 4Runner wasn't about to make it through the huge plow truck piles at the end of the driveway.
The other 4Runner is pretty well encased in all that new snow!

Jim had just cleaned off and used the Bobcat a few days ago but you can see he definitely had to do some cleaning off before he could use it again!

We are starting to amass our own giant piles of snow just from clearing the driveway!

A snapshot of all that snow after the driveway was plowed.

We still went for our walk in the afternoon - it was really pretty with a light snow still falling.  However, it wasn't an easy walk - although they do a great job here clearing the sidewalks and streets, the snow from this storm came faster than they had time to keep up with.  That meant we did a lot of walking through piles of snow - quite the workout!  You can see that the street sign is just about buried in this picture!

High 20/Low 14 - lots of snow!

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