Friday, January 30, 2015


Hard to believe the month of January is just about over - spring is getting closer and closer! 

Jim continues to work on things and we are back in our routine of alternating long walks around the village with going to the gym.  Last year at this time, Jim was having trouble with his knee.  It's so wonderful that he has no pain and is able to get back to running.

Our custom steel door and all of our siding came in to Lowe's this week - exciting!  And more exciting is that our rep is storing all of the siding until we need it.  We have to get on the delivery schedule for the door - we are hoping for Wednesday but if not, it may be Monday of the next week.

One of the things that Jim has been working on is scaffolding - he'll use it now to build shoring for the concrete deck pour.  However, it's not as easy as just ordering scaffolding - all the new parts and pieces have to fit with our old scaffolding.  You would think everything would just work but that's not the case.  He had to have a sample shipped first of some connections to make sure they would mate. 

So today was the scheduled delivery day.  As these things always go, we had a messy snowfall overnight into this morning.  I had a doctor appointment at 11:30 and Jim really didn't want me driving in by myself if I didn't have to.  But the scaffolding was coming on a big semi truck and they were supposed to call an hour before - but last time they didn't.  Anyway, we finally got them to give us a window of time - Jim dropped me off at the doctor and headed to the property to get the forks on the Bobcat and get the Bobcat down the hill.

Patiently waiting for the truck to come!
Timing actually worked out really well - Jim didn't have to wait at the bottom of the hill too long before the truck came.

The forks work great - took him no time to get the scaffolding off the back of the truck.  Then he just had to get back up the hill.

We went back up after lunch to unload the scaffolding and put it inside the carriage house.  I hadn't been up in awhile so it was good to visit!  Everything looks great inside.  It's supposed to get bitter cold tonight - there is a wind chill advisory out tonight and the actual temperature will be well below zero - so it's always scary worrying about the building.
It's also amazing that Jim is able to get both the truck and the Bobcat up the hill.  Underneath all this beautiful fluffy snow is still an incredibly thick layer of smooth ice!
High 28/Low -4

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