Friday, May 2, 2014


The last couple days have been on/off rainy so Jim has spent some time working on schoolwork and plans but still manages to go to the land daily.  We are so fortunate because even after a rain, with the sandy soil the water really drains through. 

Today Jim spent over 2 hours with the insurance agent working on construction insurance.  It's a complicated task - Jim had to take all the plans in and they had to go over everything.  It all gets put into the agent's computer program in order to really cover what we are doing with the structure.  That will eventually roll over to house insurance too.  These are the tasks that take up a lot of time that you don't think about but are certainly important.

Meanwhile, he has been working on getting the driveway to the carriage house in better shape.  It had a little hump in it that Jim needed to get out.  He's even gotten his new dozer blade working and put into use with that task!  Unfortunately, there are so many big rocks that make grading difficult.  The rocks are so big that he has to use the machines to get them out and then it leaves a crater in its wake.  But as you can see, things are looking really good.

Jim really has the carriage house foundation all set - we just need to do some final, permanent laying out of the footprint and fitting it into the space.  It really looks incredible - and when you are standing inside the space and looking up - the trees just seem even more enormous.  What a gorgeous sky too!

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