Thursday, April 24, 2014


After a good report at Jim's one week follow-up with the knee doctor, he headed out to the land.

He spent time in the morning working on getting the lawn hydrant assembled and then did the finishing touches on the controls for the pump system that are attached in the back of the truck.  Having the controls in the truck will allow him to connect the pump to the controls and then to the lawn hydrant so that we can use the water.  Getting things ready to install the pump is on the agenda for tomorrow.

After lunch, Jim went back to working in the foundation.  Before he got started, he cut down 3 little trees that were kind of in the way.  There's one bigger one that he's decided needs to go too, but he'll wait on that until his knee is a little stronger.

The pictures below shows that he made a new "shelf" in the dirt just to make it safer.  He had done that in the fall but now he has excavated more dirt in that area so needed to do it again.

We took some more elevations this afternoon - still some more work to be done to flatten things out.  We did it very rough in the fall so now it's becoming more final.  In the picture below, he figured out that he needed to take a little more off the side so he loosens the dirt with the excavator and then uses the Bobcat to scoop and carry it away.  And the skies here continue to amaze us with how blue and clear they are most of the time.

Meanwhile, while Jim is working hard, there sometimes isn't anything for me to do at this stage.  So I've been taking little walks in the woods.  How gorgeous is this?  I'm not real good at knowing the woods yet...yesterday I thought I was taking a path that would take me near Jim and I ended up on the other end of the property! 

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